By adding this list to your blocklist, you may now enjoy advertisement-free browsing on your favorite social media and online sites. And lastly, the software’s ability to block the advertising list is probably the most helpful of all.

While the P2P list is a collection of media companies who are bound by confidentiality and copyright laws and often blocked by the people who like to do the grievous act of online piracy. This list is primarily blocked by students who are probably uncomfortable about the fact that their colleges monitor their online activities. Interestingly, the education list is popular for the younger generation. By using the app to block malicious sites, you can now surf the Internet with peace of mind. The spyware list is the most common problem that can be solved through the software. These lists are further divided into various distinct categories including spyware, advertising, education, and peer-to-peer. While other forms of online security programs such as firewalls will let you block hosts one by one, the software will make it easier for you to block all the malicious online addresses at once by providing frequently-updated lists of host addresses.

It will scan your computer for in- and outgoing connections to different IP addresses which are deemed malicious or unwanted. The software allows you to control how your PC interacts with other computers online.